Dr. Christine Howard-Brown
Chief Executive Health & Wellbeing
The Health and Wellbeing Portfolio includes:
• ABI Rehabilitation
• Proactive
• Evolve
• Proactive Occupational Health
• Proactive Care Pathways.
Health quality and equity improvements have been the backbone of Christine’s career, originally training as a registered nurse and since then holding senior leadership positions in health, rehabilitation and disability within large government organisations and as a consultant. This mahi has involved leading (and sponsoring) several national strategies, action plans and service developments / designs that have focused on achieving equitable access and outcomes for people requiring rehabilitation following serious trauma (including spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries (TBI)).
As current Chair of the National Rehabilitation Providers Group and Governance Group Chair of the Spinal Cord Register, her mantra of ‘the little things matter’ remains unwavered. Discovering what the little things are for kiritaki, whānau, kaimahi, you really have to genuinely connect with them through every interaction and that’s what Chris holds firm to her approach to mahi.
Prior to this, Chris led the team at ABI Rehabilitation as Chief Executive Officer for four and a half years. With a Master of Business Administration and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Medicine, coupled with her health qualifications and experience, Chris brings a wealth of knowledge and experience that supports advancing healthcare services in Aotearoa.
Chris takes a practical, collaborative and innovative approach to her role, and takes time to build relationships to strengthen outcomes.